
Shanks Associates, P.C.


Our design teams offer innovative solutions formany types of design projects:

triangComplete Subdivision Design

triangStormwater Management

triangErosion And Sediment Control

triangRoadway Design

triangCommercial Site Design

triangWater System design

triangSanitary Sewer Design

triangDesign Specification Preparation

triangCoordination with regulatory agencies & permitting

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Shanks Associates, P.C.
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All of the images seen on this page have been produced from actual sitedata, using our CAD system, and image processing software. This page and the text and images contained therein are the property of Shanks Associates, P.C.and shall not be used or reproduced, in hard copy or digital format, withoutthe written consent of the owner thereof.

© 1996 - 2009 Shanks Associates, P.C.